Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Day After

My 70th birthday that is. The morning was cool, the sky cloudless, the sun's rays dancing with energy. Watching robins and finches splashing with abandon in our fountain for their morning bath - what delightful entertainment!
Then I read the newspaper. I know, usually a downer but - since I don't watch the news I want to at least read the headlines. Today I found out that our dear friend, Frances Wilson, passed away on Friday. It was expected. I had brought her flowers on Thursday and Gale, her son, was there. He shared that her health and well being had quickly declined after her friend's (Mary Jane Blair's) death. And Alzheimer's had robed her of her personality. And now she is resting in Jesus - thank you Jesus! Frances, we will remember your energetic, friendly, dignified, helpful, loving, kind personality until we meet again!
And now it's already evening again! How did I fare with the list of to do's? Sorry, a lot got replaced with to be's! And that familiar longing - ongoing, always deepening in the face of death. Yes, it was a good day! Thank you Jesus for working it all together for good - like you always do in your faithfulness and love!

Happy 25,550iest day or Happy Birthday! (you do the math :))

Note: This is an attempt to restore the blog post I wrote yesterday and can't find anywhere. Unfortunately, I think, the muse does not strike twice:(
25,550 days, that's how long I've been on this earth; and while that is wonderful, it seems to me that's a very small number compared with so many other numbers and all that I've crammed into them. I mean I've read some research that says that women speak around 20,000 words per day which is about 1,051,000,000 or 1 billion, 51 million words in 25,550 days. See what I mean about numbers? Anyhow, I am grateful today for all I've experienced in the past, for this day and for all the days still to come from my Creator's loving hands. I am His and I trust He will make me a blessing to others according to the gifts with which He endows me.